
Community Events at The Trust

Being an active part of the Lancaster arts community is important to us at The Trust, which is why we regularly host local theater groups, art galleries, and other local groups.

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The Row House: American Exceptionalism?

The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United States

Is American so exceptional? What’s the origin of this vision? Has it been helpful? What are its pitfalls? Join us for a civil and spirited discussion of the religious and cultural roots of the USA’s sense of self. Yes, this

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Trust Theater: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United States

C.S. Lewis’s classic tale of adventure, sacrifice, and redemption performed by two actors

Voices of Hope

The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United States

*A benefit concert featuring world-class opera stars performing holiday favorites.

Trust Concert: Daniel Hsu

The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United States

2017 Van Cliburn Piano Competition medalist.

Square Halo Gallery: Difficult Passages, Matthew Stemler

The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United States

The Square Halo Gallery is a space for contemporary art inspired by the Christian faith.  The gallery is open 6-9pm on First Fridays, during Trust events, and by appointment. For more information, visit

Trust Theater: Bonhoeffer in Prison

The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United States

Bonhoeffer in Prison is an earnest examination of the inner struggle of one German pastor against the unfolding tide of evil during WWII in this powerful one man show.

Trust Concert: New York Polyphony

The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United States

Grammy-nominated vocal quartet featuring a cappella masterpieces and a world-premiere

Ranky Tanky at Lancaster Bible College

Featured on NPR's Fresh Air with Terry Gross, the South Carolina-based Ranky Tanky soared to national acclaim in the Fall of 2017 when their debut album soared to the #1 positions on the Billboard, iTunes, and Amazon Jazz Charts.

Located at Lancaster Bible College, 901 Eden Road, in Lancaster.
