Community Events at The Trust
Being an active part of the Lancaster arts community is important to us at The Trust, which is why we regularly host local theater groups, art galleries, and other local groups.
Trust Concert: Boyd Meets Girl
The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United StatesThis Valentine's weekend, enjoy the sweet musical sounds of this husband and wife strings duo, starring classical guitarist, Rupert Boyd and cellist Laura Metcalf.
Trust Theater: A Night in the City: All About Love
The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United StatesAllow The Trust, Reji Woods Productions, and Aussie & The Fox to take you out for a romantic evening in the "Big Apple" - without ever leaving Lancaster!
Prima Theatre presents TICK TICK BOOM
FRIDAYS, MARCH 3, 10, & 17 SATURDAYS, MARCH 4, 11, & 18 This autobiographical musical by the Pulitzer Prize and Tony award-winning composer of Rent, Jonathan Larson, is the story of the sacrifices he made to achieve his big break. This compelling…
The Row House Forums: Hamilton, Schmamilton!
The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United StatesFRIDAY, MARCH 10 at 7 PM What's the Big Deal? Henry R Bleattler, PhD Chair of the Program in Media, Culture and the Arts, The King's College, NYC We've asked Harry to get on a train and come out to…
East Bay Chorale with MFE Community Chorus
The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United StatesEnjoy an evening of wonderful choral music with the flagship choir from California State University East Bay (CSUEB) - theEast Bay Singers - and Lancaster's own Music For Everyone Community Chorus. Admission is free, but tickets are required. A pay-what-you-will…
Trust Concert: The Sound Accord
The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United StatesDrawing upon eclectic strengths and skills to create innovative arrangements of melodies both old and new.
Square Halo Gallery: Wayne Adams
The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United StatesmEaster Contemporary Art Inspired by Christian Faith
Music for Everyone: Festival of Voices
The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United StatesSaturday, APRIL 1 at 7 PM The Music for Everyone Festival of Voices is an annual celebration of the vocal arts in Lancaster, PA. Lancaster is enjoying a renaissance as it emerges as a destination for artists of all genres.…
Caring for the Soul of a Leader
The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United StatesLong-time pastor and prolific author Wayne Cordeiro has a deep-seated passion for discipleship and the care of leader's souls. Join LBC's Church & Ministry Leadership Department for a time of reflection and restoration as Cordeiro shares his heart for ministry…
Trust Theater: Jane Austen Out Loud
The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United StatesJoin us for a dramatic reading of beloved Jane Austen classic, Pride and Prejudice in the Square Halo Gallery at The Trust. Performed by LBC Musical Theater students, showtimes are at 10am and 12pm. Directed by David Felty. A free will offering…