
Community Events at The Trust

Being an active part of the Lancaster arts community is important to us at The Trust, which is why we regularly host local theater groups, art galleries, and other local groups.

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The Sound of Brazilian Classical Music

The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United States

Saturday, March 17 at 12 PM A concert titled "The Sound of Brazilian Classical Music" will be presented at The Trust Performing Arts Center, 37 N. Market St., Lancaster. Gianne Ge Zhu, pianist, and Guilherme Andreas, flutist, will perform. The

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Ranky Tanky at Lancaster Bible College

Featured on NPR's Fresh Air with Terry Gross, the South Carolina-based Ranky Tanky soared to national acclaim in the Fall of 2017 when their debut album soared to the #1 positions on the Billboard, iTunes, and Amazon Jazz Charts.

Located at Lancaster Bible College, 901 Eden Road, in Lancaster.


The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United States

A one-act play written, produced and directed by G. S. Kohler.

The Row House: Civility. Lost Art Or Lost Cause?

The Trust Performing Arts Center 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, PA, United States

  FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 at 7 PM Civility. What is it good for? What is it anyhow? Can we recognize it in our age of shaming, degrading, and vilifying? What is the root of civility from a theological perspective? Is

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