TRUST issues | Your source for all things TRUSTworthy

Trust Theater: Jane Austen Out Loud

By Karen Perago on February 7, 2017

Join us for a dramatic reading of beloved Jane Austen classic, Pride and Prejudice in the Square Halo Gallery at The Trust.  Performed by LBC Musical Theater students, showtimes are at 10am and 12pm.  Directed by David Felty. A free will offering

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Caring for the Soul of a Leader

By Karen Perago on February 7, 2017

Long-time pastor and prolific author Wayne Cordeiro has a deep-seated passion for discipleship and the care of leader’s souls.  Join LBC’s Church & Ministry Leadership Department for a time of reflection and restoration as Cordeiro shares his heart for ministry

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The Row House Forums: Hamilton, Schmamilton!

By Karen Perago on February 6, 2017

FRIDAY, MARCH 10 at 7 PM What’s the Big Deal? Henry R Bleattler, PhD Chair of the Program in Media, Culture and the Arts, The King’s College, NYC We’ve asked Harry to get on a train and come out to

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Trust Community: NakedEye Ensemble, Lancaster New Sounds

By Karen Perago on January 18, 2017

FRIDAY, MAY 19 at 7:30 PM For its last concert of the season, NakedEye takes on the cathedral-like acoustics of The Trust Performing Arts Center and presents two commission premieres specifically written for the venue by Jason Charney and Rusty Banks.

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Prima Theatre presents TICK TICK BOOM

By Karen Perago on January 5, 2017

FRIDAYS, MARCH 3, 10, & 17 SATURDAYS, MARCH 4, 11, & 18 This autobiographical musical by the Pulitzer Prize and Tony award-winning composer of Rent, Jonathan Larson, is the story of the sacrifices he made to achieve his big break. This compelling

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The Row House Forums: Gaming is Serious Business

By Karen Perago on December 21, 2016

FRIDAY, January 13th at 7:00 PM Why do we play games?  Trip Beans, an avid table-top gamer, will pick this phenomena apart and have fun doing it.  A Campus Pastor at Millersville University, Trip attended Geneva College and Chesapeake Reformed Theological

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